Australian Sports Nutrition

Tradie 'Standard' Bundle

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Need something that packs a punch? Our 'Standard' Tradie Bundle is designed to give you a boost of high-energy nutrients and help you bounce back faster when those tough days hit.

Incredible Mass

Incredible Mass provides quality protein, carbohydrate and fat calories to refuel muscles after high-intensity workouts. The combination of fast and slow-release proteins, energy-sustaining carbohydrates from natural sweet potato, low-allergy rice, and Promilin Fenugreek Extract helps to boost the uptake of nutrients when taken post-workout.

  • Supports muscle recovery
  • Nutrient-packed weight gain formula
  • 48.8g of protein, 78.3g of carbs and 3.3g of fat
  • Ideal for those who want to gain lean mass, struggle to gain weight due to a fast metabolism, and athletes who undertake high levels of cardio and weight training who require a concentrated energy supplement
  • Contains sweet potato carbs

Xtend BCAA

This blend of BCAAs can help repair your muscles, support your recovery and growth, promote muscle protein synthesis and increase your blood flow. Xtend BCAAs are presented in the clinically proven 2:1:1 ratio to support your muscles while you recover.With zero carbohydrates, calories or sugar, this powerful formula is the ultimate pre, intra & post-workout recovery tool to help you nourish and repair your muscles.

  • Contains 7g of BCAAs in the research-proven 2:1:1 ratio
  • Zero carbs, calories or sugar
  • Promotes muscle protein synthesis
  • Can accelerate recovery time
  • Loaded with hydrating electrolytes

Incredible Mass

Mix 150g (4 1⁄2 SCOOPS) with 500ml of water or low fat milk in a shaker or blender and consume immediately.

Take once daily immediately after exercise/training. Serve can be divided and taken as two smaller servings.

Xtend BCAA

Take 1 scoop of XTEND during a training session with 250mL-1L of water. If you are particularly sore, you can take an additional 1 scoop on your rest days in between meals to help speed up your body's muscle recovery.

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